• <p> Nimba consists of dried stem bark<p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b> - Azadirachta indica A. Juss.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi</b> : Neem</P>
                   <p><b>Marathi</b> : Kadunimba, Nimb</p>
                   <p>A medium to large evergreen tree attaining a height of 15 to 20 m or more under favorable conditions and found throughout the plains of India upto an altitude of 900 m.</p>
                   <p><b>Useful part</b> – Stem Bark</p>


    Nimba consists of dried stem bark

  • <p>Haritaki consists of the pericarp of mature fruits. </p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b> - Terminalia chebula Retz.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi</b> : Harre, Harad, Harar</p>
                   <p><b>Marathi</b> : Hirda, Haritaki, Harda, Hireda</p>
                   <p>A moderate sized or large tree found throughout India, chiefly in deciduous forests and areas of light rainfall, but occasionally also in slightly moist forests, upto about 1500 m elevation, throughout India, flowers appear from April, August and fruits ripen from October-January.</p>
                   <p><b>Useful part</b> - Dried fruit </p>


    Haritaki consists of the pericarp of mature fruits.

  • <p>Amalaki consists of pericarp of dried mature fruits of Emblica officinalis Gaertn.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>-Phyllanthus emblica Linn.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Amla, Aonla
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Anvala, Avalkathi
                   <p>Mostly collected in winter season after ripening and in Kashmir in summer, a small or medium sized tree, found both in natural state in mixed deciduous forests of the country ascending to 1300 m on hills; cultivated in gardens, homeyards or grown as a road side tree.<p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Dried fruit


    Amalaki consists of pericarp of dried mature fruits of Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

  • <p>Karanja consists of dried root bark.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>-Pongamia pinnata (Linn.)</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Karanj
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Karanja
                   <p>A glabrous tree, upto 18 m or sometimes more in height, found almost throughout the country upto an altitude of 1200 m.<p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Root Bark


    Karanja consists of dried root bark.

  • <p>Khadira consists of dried pieces of heart-wood.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>-Acacia catechu (Linn. f.) Willd.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Khair
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Khaira, Khair
                   <p>A moderate sized tree, found mostly in dry parts of India.<p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Stem bark


    Khadira consists of dried pieces of heart-wood.

  • <p>Bibhitaka consists of pericarp of dried ripe fruits.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>-Terntinalia belerica Roxb.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Bahera
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Baheda
                   <p>A large deciduous tree, 10-12 m or more high, commonly found in plain and forests upto 900 m elevation, fruits ripen towards November. <p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Dried fruit


    Bibhitaka consists of pericarp of dried ripe fruits.

  • <p> Arjuna consists of the stem bark. <p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b> - Terminalia arjuna W.& A. </p>
                   <p><b>Hindi</b> : Arjuna</P>
                   <p><b>Marathi</b> : Arjuna, Sadada</p>
                   <p>A large deciduous tree, commonly found throughout the greater parts of the country.</p>
                   <p><b>Useful part</b> – Stem Bark</p>


    Arjuna consists of the stem bark

  • <p>Kayphala consists of dried stem bark. </p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b> - Myrica esculenta Buch.- Ham.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi</b> : Kayphal</p>
                   <p>A dioecious evergreen, small or moderate sized tree, 3-15 m high, found in subtropical Himalayas from Ravi eastward to Assam, Khasi, Jaintia, Naga and Lushai hills upto an elevation of 900-2100 m.</p>
                   <p><b>Useful part</b> – Stem Bark </p>


    Kayphala consists of dried stem bark.

  • <p>Sahacara consists of dried whole plant.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>-Barleria prionitis Linn.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Sahachara
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Koranta, Koranti
                   <p>A bushy, prickly undershrub, 0.6-1.5 m high, found throughout hotter parts of the country and also cultivated as a hedge plant.<p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Whole Plant


    Sahachara consists of dried whole plant.

  • <p>Baboola consists of dried mature stem bark.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>- Acacia nilotica (Linn.) </p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Babula, Babura, Kikar
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Babhul, Babhula
                   <p>A moderate sized, spiny, evergreen tree found throughout India.<p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Stem Bark


    Baboola consists of dried mature stem bark.

  • <p>Nyagrodha consists of dried mature stem bark.</p>
                   <p><b>Latin Name</b>- Ficus bengalensis Linn.</p>
                   <p><b>Hindi:</b> Badra, Bargad, Bada
                   <p><b>Marathi:</b> Vad
                   <p>A large branching tree with numerous aerial roots occurring all over India.<p>
                   <b>Useful part</b>- Stem bark


    Nyagrodha consists of dried mature stem bark.